Java: What’s in store?

Java is one of the most preferred programming languages according to many surveys conducted within the software industry worldwide. Popularity of Java has not diminished since its inception 25 years ago. This does not mean that Java is perfect in every aspect. Far from being perfect, if Java has maintained its prime position in the industry, we can strongly ascertain that it is going to hold its niche in the near future as well. Let’s see how.

Big Data: The demand for big data is quite high as the undergraduates getting enrolled in various big data courses is very much on the rise. This is a positive news for Java as well because a lot of big data tools like Hadoop, Storm, Spark, Mahout etc are based on Java.

Internet of Things (IoT) is here to make life simpler by enabling communication with devices in a networked environment. Java is well-suited for IoT due to its platform independence, deployment simplicity, and the availability of extensive libraries.

Block chain is believed to be a technology that has the potential to be a game changer. Java, with its core strengths like modularity and extensibility, is a great choice for block chain technology.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is another booming area where Java has a significant role to play. Java with its easy-to-code algorithms, better user interaction, and built-in garbage collector is a good choice for AI.

Function as a Service (FaaS) allows users to work with application functionalities without having to manage the hassles of infrastructure management. This ‘serverless’ architecture is used for microservices. Deployment of Java applications in the serverless cloud environment works great providing application flexibility and scalability.

As Java has its role in most of the futuristic technologies, companies, developers and proponents can be confident that Java has good scope in the future.