The Future of Work

There hasn’t been anything akin to the COVID-19 pandemic which had and will continue to have its impact on people’s lives. The most significant impact brought in by the pandemic is in the way people work. This is a matter of concern for both the employer and the employees.

The pandemic has categorized jobs to two broader categories – jobs that could be done remotely and the jobs which requires physical presence. The classification is based on the possibility of remote work. Remote work has become the new norm for a lot of sectors, thanks to the development in Information and Communication Technologies.

With pandemic receding from across the globe now the employers are looking forward to bring their employees back to their offices. A hybrid model of work is in experimentation as most of the employees still prefer to Work from Home (WFH). It offers the employees the choice of location, give them flexibility, saves the time of commute, lets them stay connected to their families, and provides them better mental and physical health.

Many organizations also consider this work from home (WFH) mode as beneficial as they have now realized that the productivity, efficiency and output has increased significantly improved with this mode. Some companies could also reduce some of their overhead expenditures by resorting to this model. Yet, certain organizations seek for the Hybrid Model as they consider that it would be more beneficial if their employees could socialize in the real office environment. Also, it would be easy for training, learning new things if the employees could interact with their seniors, in person.

The future of work is a hot topic of interest among the anthropologists too. With the help of experts in this area, companies are working on devising a custom future model of work befitting the organization and the employees alike.