Why is it important to adopt digital technology?

Today, the average midsize business uses 137 different SaaS applications, and businesses are expected to spend more than $1.78 trillion on digital transformation projects by 2022. According to a study by Bain & Company, just the 8% of companies worldwide achieve their business goals. as a result of their investment in digital technology. A strong digital adoption strategy supports the organization’s digital transformation efforts, enabling it to achieve a return on technology investment and end-to-end digital innovation.
Digital adoption allows you to get the most out of your technology investment. If customers only use part of your product, they won’t see its full value. Likewise, your company won’t see the improvements you want if employees only use a portion of the software you’ve purchased.
Benefits of adopting digital technology

The biggest benefit of driving digital adoption for your employees and customers is maximizing the return on investment in new technologies. The exact benefits your business will reap from the digital adoption process will depend on the technologies you implement.
For example, adopting automation technology will increase efficiency and free up employees to perform more important tasks.

How to drive digital adoption

You can increase the digital adoption of your employees and customers by implementing some key digital adoption strategies. It is especially important to have a proper strategy when implementing any change, onboarding customers and onboarding employees.
This is when employees or customers first interact with the technology and form their first opinions about it. A positive and overall onboarding user experience is critical to the successful and widespread adoption of digital technologies.